Ayurveda for YOU
The birth of a lifestyle
Thousands of years ago, in India, a lifestyle that was centered around good health, well-being and long life was practiced, a way of life called Ayurveda, the knowledge of life. The very essence of this lifestyle was built around the fact that every person is unique and reacts differently to things around them. Whether it is their lifestyle, their diet, or even their personal care, their needs are different.
People used fresh raw materials provided in abundance by nature like, herbs, fruits, roots, minerals, even soil (like multani mitti) to meet their personal care needs. Even with the invasions, the conflict and wars that followed and poverty that came with colonisation, personal care still continued on the same traditional lines as earlier. The materials were simple and easily available around us and using rudimentary equipment and simple techniques like, pounding, drying, mixing, boiling and straining self care products could be made at home or produced in small batches for local communities.
What really changed this was the rapid urbanisation and industrialisation of our country as it progressed into the 21st century. Those materials that were once easily available became rarer to source and more expensive. The rise of industrial mass production promised to bring down the cost of making products for our personal care needs using these components. But to keep these items on the shelf longer, to withstand the ravages of travelling thousands of kms through rain and sun, preservatives and chemicals were added. Some of them known to be questionable for our health, some even known to be toxic and carcinogenic. Everything became generic. You could no longer get products over-the-counter that would meet the unique needs of your personal care and instead buy things that would push you into some bucket, normal to dry skin, oily skin, frizzy hair etc. Food and Drug administrators failed to identify chemicals that were harmful to humans and allowed them to be used in our products, until someone else pointed out their ill-effects with hard evidence (which means, people had already suffered from their ill-effects). Paraben, Sulphites, Triclosan, the list is endless.
As an Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Prafullata Rajput was providing her patients around the country with customised, small batch produced, bespoke medicinal products to meet their unique needs. With the incredible results that women got from these bespoke medical self care products and seeing Ayurvedic over-the-counter products follow the same route as other mass produced cosmetics, she was desperate to find a way by which the 21st century woman, who did not have the time to create safe, self-care products for themselves from natural and fresh raw materials at home, would still gain access to products that were customised to their unique need and yet remained affordable.
She extensively studied the same systems and processes that were used around the modern world to make things cheaper, more effective and within reach of more and more consumers. Instead of using six sigma to build a factory and a line of yet another Ayurvedic self-care company that followed the contemporary norms of the mass producers, she just used her knowledge to create a system that would ensure that women get access to affordable, bespoke and more effective self-care products without having to step out and look for something that suits them from a store filled with thousands of generic products. Dr Prafullata Rajput juxtaposed the rituals and traditional knowledge of the ancient world with the systems, processes and resources of the modern world to create a brand that would bring back bespoke, customised selfcare to the busy, modern woman. And Praanaveda was born.
Our flagship product, Rose Blush, is an artisanal daily facial cleanser with anti-ageing properties which is made up of a unique combination of plant products, free from any chemicals, preservatives, fragrances or artificial colours. These plant products are sourced from certified and compliant medical suppliers, handled and packaged in a sterile environment with utmost care for hygiene and delivered to your doorstep, month on month. It is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine which unlike others is completely customised to suit your unique skin needs, sent to you when you want it and is not sitting on the shelf of some random store for months, waiting for someone to buy it.
When you fill in the form below, our doctors will connect with you and do free tele-consultation to understand which combination of these plant products would be most suitable for you. Your Rose Blush will then be curated in our facility, packed and couriered to you.
This is Ayurveda for YOU! An exclusive lifestyle that cares for your personal health and wellbeing, not number of products sold.
Rose Blush is priced at Rs 495 for a 50gm pack which is enough for a 30 day skincare routine. A refill pack which is also couriered to you is for Rs 395. Only Rs 17 per day to keep your skin looking radiant and youthful, all year round.
Regular use of this facial cleanser will slow down the ageing process of your skin and keep it looking radiant and youthful. Visible results are seen in only a few months of use.
Fill in your details in the form below and our doctors will be in touch.
Come join the Praanaveda tribe.
Praanaveda Lifecare Private Limited
A701, White Lily, Venunagar, Wakad,
E-Mail: praanaveda.lifecare@gmail.com
Tel: +91 98231 45828